News and updates about our research, outreach and engagement

Posted on 19 December 2017
Social licence and NZ aquaculture
Our research has found that personal relationships go a long way towards aquaculture companies gaining/maintaining community acceptance and social licence to operate.
Posted on 18 December 2017
New resource: Understanding kaitiakitanga in our marine environment
This publicly-available report examines mātauranga associated with the marine environment, and explores themes and why they are important to consider in decision-making.
MorePosted on 14 December 2017
Video: The Unseen
The story so far: 14 workshops, 1,300 school children and 15km of rope! This arts-science-education project is working with communities and school children to explore the risks associated with environmental and…
MorePosted on 01 December 2017
Video: How current legislative frameworks in NZ enable EBM
Lara Taylor and Tania Te Whenua gave this presentation at the NZ Coastal Society conference.
MorePosted on 28 November 2017
Video: Community participation in marine restoration
Patrick Barrett and Priya Kurian gave a presentation about the restoration of the Ōngātoro/Maketu estuary at the NZ Coastal Society conference.
MorePosted on 27 November 2017
Video: How do NZ communities participate in decision-making?
Paula Blackett and Erena le Heron presented a preliminary review of marine participatory process initiatives that have been used for decision-making in New Zealand, at the NZ Coastal Society conference.
MorePosted on 25 August 2017
Article in Seafood NZ magazine
The latest issue has a feature about our research, what it means for fishing and aquaculture, the diverse stakeholders involved, and what the Challenge is trying to achieve.
MorePosted on 05 July 2017
Plenary at AMSA 2017
Director Julie Hall gave the plenary address on 4 July at the Australian Marine Sciences Association conference in Darwin.
MorePosted on 29 July 2015
Presentation from the Māori and Stakeholder Workshop held on 29 July 2015
View a presentation that was delivered to Māori and stakeholders at a recent workshop.