• Report

Financing restorative economies in Aotearoa New Zealand’s marine and coastal space

This report highlights opportunities and challenges in building restorative economies in New Zealand from the investment and finance perspective (August 2023)

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This research provides an impact investment framework to enable economic mechanisms for restoration of coastal and marine environments at the seascape level to emerge.

  • Investors see investment opportunities when projects are beyond pilot and testing stages, and a pathway to scaling up and/or replicating successful projects is evident.
  • Projects in a restorative marine economy, individually or as an aggregated portfolio, need a clear investment risk profile and the ability to generate financial and non-financial returns.
  • The ability to operate in a sustainable and favourable environment where consumers and taxpayers value the natural and socio-economic environment is essential.
  • Gaps and barriers for further investor engagement with conservation and restoration projects include the need for clear standards for natural and social capital valuation, natural capital accounting and impact metrics.
  • An ability to generate and capture revenue, as the means to finance restoration, is a relatively new approach in New Zealand that needs further development; some of the ideas captured include multispecies aquaculture and blue carbon sequestration. 
  • Financing restorative economies in Aotearoa New Zealand’s marine and coastal space

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