Credit: Dave Allen NIWA

Posted on 22 December 2016

From sea cucumbers to the media

What do hydrokinetic metal fatigue, farming sea cucumbers, the media’s role in the future of our seas, and blue whales have in common?

They were all research topics proposed during our recent call for Innovation Funding.

40 expressions of interest were received.

“We’re pleased with the number received, and the range of topics they covered. The innovation fund is about exploring new avenues, investigating how to use our seas in a sustainable way and adding value to the marine economy, so it’s great to have such a variety,” says Julie Hall, Director.

“We’ve invited 20 of these to submit a full proposal, and expect to fund 9.”

The successful projects will be announced in May 2017.

About the innovation fund

The $1.5m per year fund supports projects up to a value of $150k a year for 2 years. These projects introduce new approaches, capability, research and researchers to the Challenge.

Innovation fund projects:

Either ‘enhance utilisation of our marine resources within environmental and biological constraints’ and complement research already funded by the Challenge.

Or ‘increase diversification in marine economies’, ie add value to the marine economy.

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