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Displaying 18 of 148 results
Ngāti Rēhia mai ki Tākou Bay
  • Report

Moana plan scoping report (June 2024)

From kina barrens to kelp forests – assessing potential recovery solutions
  • Summary

Summary of a project on the causes of and solutions to kina barrens (June 2024)

Living filters pilot project
  • Report

Eeport on a pilot project to investigate the ability of Greenshell™ mussels to survive in Port Nelson (June 2024)

He Taura Here
  • Report

Te Ao Māori Synthesis Framework

Assessing potential recovery solutions to shift from kina barrens to kelp forests
  • Report

Bulmer R, Pilditch C, Stephenson F, Shears N & Flowers G (June 2024)

Modelling factors that influence community initiatives to restore marine environments
  • Summary

Summary of social, ecological, and economic factors connected to community-based initiatives to restore the marine environment (June 2024)

Nature reporting in New Zealand’s financial sectors
  • Summary

Summary of nature-related disclosure developments, their implications for the financial sector, and the emerging opportunities in the field …

Nature risks and opportunities in Hawke’s Bay
  • Report

A place-based approach to understanding nature risks and business readiness for nature disclosure (June 2024)

Innovating aquaculture to improve social and economic well-being in coastal communities
  • Summary

Summary of research that explored the potential of innovative pātiki aquaculture to generate income and empower communities to reclaim contr…

A novel approach to aquaculture in Aotearoa New Zealand
  • Report

Growing community wellbeing with pātiki tōtara (May 2024)

He Tauira – Exemplars of Te Ao Tūroa
  • Video

A podcast series showcasing Te Ao Tūroa principles through case studies (June 2024)

Te Ao Tūroa wānanga – Rangatahi insights on exploring Te Ao Tūroa principles and Whakapapa o te Wai
  • Video

Videos sharing thoughts from two rangatahi who attended the wānanga (June 2024)

Te Ao Tūroa Principles – Whakapapa, Mauri and Mana with the Mātāpuna
  • Video

Podcast series exploring the key integrity markers that bind and guide the Te Ao Tūroa Framework (June 2024)

He Tapuwae – Concepts and principles of a Te Ao Tūroa informed economy
  • Video

A podcast describing the principles of Te Ao Turoa and how they relate to, and can inform, the development of Māori economies (June 2024)

He Waka Māori – Mana and Mana Motuhake with the Mātāpuna
  • Video

Podcasts exploring the key concepts and principles of mana and mana motuhake (June 2024)

Ngā Aho Kōrero – The Te Ao Māori Synthesis Journey
  • Video

A podcast featuring discussions with Te Ao Maori synthesis activity leads (June 2024)

Utilising ecosystem services to support marine ecosystem management
  • Summary

This summary provides an overview of how ecosystem services can be used as a tool in marine management and ecosystem-based management (March…

Restorative marine economies: a framework for mobilising ecosystem-level investments
  • Summary

This summary explains the key concepts of restorative economies and outlines an impact investment framework to guide questions and steps whe…

Credit: Dave Allen NIWA

Our work

Sustainable Seas brought together Aotearoa New Zealand’s largest ever group of biophysical and social scientists, economists, and experts in mātauranga Māori and policy researchers. Together with Māori partners and stakeholders we embarked on our journey nearly a decade ago as one of 11 National Science Challenges, we set out to achieve this objective: To enhance utilisation of our marine resources within environmental and biological constraints.   

The Challenge has produced nearly a decade’s worth of research results, guidance, and tools from more than 100 projects. In our final year, we’ve focused on refining the key messages and recommendations on topics prioritized by the Challenge community as being critical to enabling holistic ecosystem-based management (EBM) and te ao Māori approaches – and ultimately realize a healthy ocean and prosperous blue economy.

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