• Academic publication

Remaking ocean governance in Aotearoa New Zealand through boundary-crossing narratives about ecosystem-based management

Le Heron E, Le Heron R, Taylor L, Lundquist CJ and Greenaway A. (2020).
Marine Policy

  • Typically, ecosystem-based management is embedded in science systems not recognising their socially detached treatment of the concept.
  • Indigenous storytelling, pūrākau, and other narrative practices that rework boundaries are required.
  • Mission-led science should actively work to reposition stakeholders as collective players.
  • Strategically crafted narratives connect to context and enable collectively organised futures.
Contested marine spaces, Indigenous knowledge, Ecosystem-based management, Pūrākau, Narratives, Boundary objects, Diverse interests, Multiplicity, Narrative circulation, Holistic ocean governance, Socio-scientific