News and updates about our research, outreach and engagement
Posted on 16 October 2017
New term, new NZ marine science resources
School pupils can now explore a real-world issue facing New Zealand – how to best manage our vast marine resources – thanks to a collaboration between the Sustainable Seas Challenge…
MorePosted on 26 July 2017
Lessons learned from Canada
A recently published paper in AlterNative identifies 5 elements to consider when developing ecosystem-based management (EBM) for Aotearoa. Our project investigating indigenous approaches to EBM completed in early 2017.
MorePosted on 27 June 2017
Māori researchers’ hui
With all but one of our research projects underway, the time was right to bring our cohort of Māori researchers together to share research findings and discuss important issues such…
MorePosted on 22 June 2017
He Pou Tokomanawa: project launch
A new Tangaroa project officially launched on 14 June with a pōwhiri at Wakatū marae in Nelson.
MorePosted on 12 June 2017
Request for proposals: Tangaroa research project
This call for proposals in Tangaroa is for one project that combines two previously described projects outlined in the Research and Business plan.
MorePosted on 13 November 2016
Science Wānanga
The Challenge recently supported a Science Wānanga organised by the University of Otago for Māori students in years 9-10 from schools in Te Tau Ihu (Mohua, Nelson, Marlborough and Kaikoura).
Posted on 14 October 2015
Extension for Request for Proposals for some of the Tangaroa Programme projects
The Sustainable Seas Science Leadership Team would like to advise that there is now an extension to the deadline for proposals for two of the five projects advertised in the…
MorePosted on 29 July 2015
Presentation from the Māori and Stakeholder Workshop held on 29 July 2015
View a presentation that was delivered to Māori and stakeholders at a recent workshop.